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Elements without rooms assigned

Here’s what you should do before retrying the room detection!

Although RV RoomLink uses all possible ways to find rooms for your Revit objects, some elements still need your attention to be paired successfully with a room.

If the elements are wall-based or floor-based, there’s a chance it’s sitting inside a wall or a floor between 2 rooms. If so, experiment with the Front/Back guess directions for walls, or Up/Down for floors. The Guess Tolerance value should be at least equal to the max thickness of all the walls or floors that potentially host your elements. Doing this ensures the guess points will be outside of the walls or floors and therefore, can assist room detection effectively.

Anyway, some elements may indeed have no room, for example, Site objects like bike racks standing next to your 3D building. If so, use “<External” as the Default Value if no room is found. You can then review the room detection report at the end of an RV RoomLink run to check each of these elements and verify whether they are indeed external objects.
