Coordinate Bases
RV Live Coordinates will support your required base coordinate type.
The coordinate base determines the (0,0,0) origin point and global Y axis (North direction) of your desired coordinates system. With RV Live Coordinates, you have lots of options:
- Shared Coordinates
- Project Base Point (Project North or True North)
- Survey Point (Project North or True North)
- Internal Origin Point (Project North or True North)

If your project has no special requirements and you just want to replicate the values reported by Revit spot coordinates, here’s a cheat sheet:
Select “Shared Coordinates” to mimic spot coordinates based on the Survey Point.

Select “Project Base Point & Project North” to mimic spot coordinates based on the Project Base Point.

Select “Internal Origin & Project North” to mimic spot coordinates based on the Internal Origin.

Of course, each project may have slightly different coordinate reporting requirements. When in doubt, you can try running the app multiple times with a different Coordinate Base option selected each time and see which one returns the expected XYZ values.