Guess Directions
Mastering RV RoomLink’s Guess Directions will make it easy.
By now, you probably are aware of the 6 directions RV RoomLink can use to “nudge” each Revit element around their location until it can find a room. While Up and Down are quite self-explanatory, where do the other 4 directions point?

Well, they follow the same Front, Back, Left and Right directions of each element in the family editor. This means if an element is rotated in the project model, these directions will no longer be aligned to the global X & Y axes. RV RoomLink will respects the rotation and nudges each element along its rotated Front, Back, Left and Right vectors.

For example, a door placed on a wall not parallel to the global X or Y axes will still find its correct room. RV RoomLink will construct room checkpoints with reference to the wall’s and door’s specific orientation!